#MondayChillMix II by #DJDestiny

#DJDestiny releases the #MondayChillMix II

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Better World Is Possible [Reflection]

Finals are over, I am at home, watching the Steelers game for the first time all year and decided to put out some blog posts that I have been sitting on for awhile. I now realize why it takes Artists a little longer to put out their projects, and push back release dates, delay tours etc. because it takes time. Experiences are Golden, that is one thing I have learned in my journey through life. 

One of the first courses I took when I got to college was African American Studies 39E with Professor Quame and we read two books that changed my life, more specifically kept my life on track. The Alchemist and The Four Agreements, I won't go in depth, but I learned that "Life is Journey" and we shouldn't be too focused on the end result because the beauty of life is when you are living in it. I believe my generation is too caught up in this fad of Social Media where they take pictures of EVERYTHING, but do not learn too much. We share so much information but it is not the information that will lead to some consistent change. Facebook is power, Instagram is power, Twitter is power! On a recent road trip down to LA my Nigerian Brother Ikem recently said that "we have access to information, without direction, which leads to misplaced knowledge". 

For instance CHRISTmas is coming up, I am sure a chid will be receiving a Smart Phone, but with what guidance is the child given with the phone. My guess is NONE! Mainly because "She knows how to use the internet better than her parents" -Lupe Fiasco, Bitch Bad...Lupe does an amazing job with his music video getting this point across.

This is not the fault of the parents it is the fault of society not recognizing that with the growing age of technology we must have information on how to use that technology. WIth great knowledge comes great responsibility! So with Great access to knowledge should come someone explaining the responsibility of the knowledge.

 I believe this issue comes with Capitalism, we now have people whose motivation and 1st thought is to produce something to make a profit. There is not much consideration that goes into the well being of society and that is my knock against capitalism and the society I live in that values machinery more than humanity.

I am grateful for a family who loves me, my relationship with God, and the educational opportunities that have led me to greater knowledge.

As for the purpose of this Blog, I think I know what I want it to be now, because not many people get the experience of going to college. I am going to write about my experiences in college and write about what I learned. Hoping that another person reading this Blog who does not have similar opportunities can still learn from my experiences. Infinite Knowledge. 

Un Mundo Mejor Es Posible |A Better World Is Possible Inshallah|

Music that has influenced me lately:

Erykah Badu - Baduizm

Jetpack Jones - The Oddyssey 

Lupe Fiasco - Bitch Bad [referenced this earlier]

The Poem that inspired me to change the world

Books I referenced:
The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz  - http://www.toltecspirit.com/
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

Twitter: @OWtDestiny
Iwuoma, Destiny
UC Berkeley, Sophomore
Sociology Major w/ Double Minor in Education & African American Studies
Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. |Gamma Zeta| Chapter President
Black Recruitment and Retention Center, Northern CA Recruitment Coordinator '12-13

"It is our duty to fight for our freedom" -Assata Shakur

Monday, July 30, 2012

Set the 1% on fire

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

[Black Cooperative Economics] Sh*t Black People Should Do

It is a low down dirty shame that it took 18 years and my 2nd semester of College to actually learn about my people, Black People. Why is this? Well the injustices in the system of public education will be another Berkeley Storm post. But this post is dedicated to one of my favorite classes I have taken at Cal, African American Studies 5b with Professor Robert Allen. By writing this paper I learned that writing is a process, I remember when I used to intern for Assemblymember Anthony Portantino (44th District)  he told me that "Writing is Re-writing" and after many drafts of this paper I finally understood what he meant. This is the final paper I wrote for this class:

Cooperative Economics: The Road to Black Independence

Over the course of this semester, we have covered many topics relating to the life and culture of African Americans in the United States. For example, a recurrent theme in our class discussions has been the phenomena of African Americans blaming white people for the problems of Black America. It was pointed out that Black people have been historically subjugated by the white power structure in America. Specifically, a large part of the blame has been directed to how the actions of the white community during slavery have led to the proliferation of contemporary issues. These issues include high incarceration rates for Black men and poor public school education for African American children. I will further investigate the economics of black people because “black people are undergoing a process akin to that experienced by many colonial countries” (14). The efficient way for the colony of Black America to thrive is to separate from the white power structure.

[Continue Reading] http://www.scribd.com/doc/96995750/Black-Cooperative-Economics

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Berkeley Storm

Shortly, I will be changing the name of the blog from "The Berkeley Experience" to "The Berkeley Storm". When I started my freshmen year I found myself having a lot of intellectual conversations. Either it was because I had amazing roommates (shoutOWt to the Trio) or it was just the nature of college.

As I was enjoying these conversations, I noticed they really weren't going anywhere, it was "Intellectual Masturbation" as one of my Afro Professors put it. Simply having conversation to feel good, but I continue to ask myself, "what are you going to do it about it?" Thus, "The Berkeley Storm"

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Quiet Before The Revolution

I am realizing that my world is gaining consciousness everyday. The people in my life are striving to expose the tricks of the system that has been made to destroy us. I see it more everyday with Facebook "memes" exposing political scandals and simply critiquing society. Also conversing with my peers, I am sure this is the generation of revolution. I am excited to go into my summer at Berkeley and take the steps necessary to continue on my journey that God has set forth me.

My current Top Artists:

Jetpack Jones (Lakewood/Long Beach) | J. Hurt (Pasadena)  | Lupe Fiasco (Chicago)

Monday, May 14, 2012

2nd Semester College Update

I am excited to update you all on my journey through College.

I have now completed my 1st year at UC Berkeley and I am having a wonderful experience I have met so many people here who are on the same accord with my thinking (and some who are not). I have been very engaged in my African American Studies class this semester where I have learned a lot about my culture, and where my people actually came from. I am now considering including African American Studies in my major. 

At Berkeley, there's an opportunity to create your own major called "American Studies" and this is what I plan on majoring in by combining Public Policy, African American Studies and Education. This is not set in stone, but my passion still remains to change the world through Education. My current goals are to graduate from College, and then teach for two years (possibly Teach For America) then pursue a Doctorate in Education (Harvard) and continue on from there making the changes I see necessary in the world of Education.

I recently became a member of the latest and greatest organization of the Divine 9, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. Don't worry I have been staying on top of my classes, I have finished my last Semester of the year and standing strong in all of my classes. During my Spring Break I was in New Orleans doing Katrina Relief, and enjoying the southern hospitality while helping rebuild houses through organizations such as Habitat for Humanity.

Last summer I was a participant in the Summer Bridge Program, and this Summer I will give back to the program serving as a Summer Bridge Residential Assistant, assisting students with their transition into Cal.

Once again, I thank you all for supporting me through my college process, spiritually, financially, and supportively. I appreciate it all, your support gives me the confidence to focus on school as opposed to worrying about things that would take away from my education. If there are any scholarships that you or anyone knows about, I would greatly appreciate being notified of them. So I can continue to remain financially stable in college and focus my efforts on school.

Also if there is any way I can be of assistance to you, whether it be Campus Tours or speaking to students in any capacity I am willing to help.

Best Regards,

Iwuoma, Destiny